raita recipe for biryani | flaxseed cucumber raita recipe Among all other raita recipes, this one is the coolest as well as fiber-rich raita. It is suitable for all types of pulao and biryani. This flax seed cucumber raita is a healthy raita recipe, we can eat this raita after having lunch separately too. Flax seeds are high in Omega 3 fatty acids, reduce bad cholesterol, lower blood pressure, Rich in dietary fiber. We can also make chutney with this flaxseed.
Let us get into the recipe of raita recipe for biryani | flax seed cucumber raita recipe

raita recipe | flax seed cucumber raita recipe
- 1 cup beaten curd
- 1 cup grated cucumber
- 2 tbsp mint (finely chopped)
- 2 tbsp flax seed powder
- ¼ tsp cumin powder
- ¾ tsp pepper powder
- ½ tsp salt to taste
- In a mixing bowl, add 1cup of beaten curd, and 1 cup grated cucumber, 2 tbsp finely chopped mint leaves, 2 tbsp of flaxseed powder
- and then ¼ tsp of cumin powder, ¾ tsp of pepper powder, and ½ tsp of salt
- Mix all together well, now the cucumber flaxseed raita is ready to serve.
Stepwise Picture Recipe:
raita recipe for biryani | flax seed cucumber raita recipe

Along with this raita recipe, also check out other raita recipe
bhindi raita (vendakkai raita)
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