pumpkin soup recipe Pumpkin is highly nutritious particularly high in Vitamin A, low carbs food that 250 gm of pumpkin contains only 12 gm of carbs, This is perfect recipe for those who are following low carbs diet (paleolithic diet).
bottle gourd soup | lauki ka soup Bottle gourd is low carb vegetable, rich in dietary fiber. So it promotes weight loss. Also, it does detoxification. Bottle gourd has many nutrients, So, It provides overall health benefits It is a
Cream of Broccoli Soup|broccoli Soup, For all the soup lovers and weight watchers, soup is a nutritious food, broccoli soup is loaded with nutrients, whenever the weather becomes cold, that makes ourself crave for Soup. This soup preparation version is
Quinoa Veg soup is a healthy soup rich in fiber, loaded with antioxidants. Having soup once in a while keeps the body fit and detoxified. Health benefits of Quinoa, Quinoa helps in weight loss, regulates blood sugar level, assists metabolism,
Tomato soup recipe Rich bursting bright red colored tomato soup always tempts us. It would be a delicious sip with cheese biscuits/ cheese sandwich/ bread toast with butter. Tomato has a lot of health benefits Tomatoes reduce heart diseases, a