Oven roasted chicken drumsticks | recipe for chicken drumsticks, with best marination results chewy outer and juicy center portion. Most of the time we used to go chicken for dinner. Because that is easy to make when we bake it and tastier than other dishes. The spices I used for marination are very simple. And also we can get at home and also Indian styled. The marination ingredients make this dish delicious. And also spice level is very moderate. So kids would like these chicken drumsticks very much. Along with chicken drumsticks, I add some veggie salad for fiber requirements. With these two (chicken drumsticks and veg salad) food, I usually finish my dinner. Because it is a portion of a wholesome meal.

Oven roasted chicken drumsticks | recipe for chicken drumsticks
- 1 kg chicken drumsticks (chicken legs)
- 2 tbsp lemon juice
- 2 tbsp ginger garlic paste
- ½ tsp turmeric powder
- 3 tbsp Kashmiri red chilly powder
- 2 tsp cumin powder
- ½ tsp garam masala
- 2 tbsp curd
- 1 tbsp oil
- 1 tsp salt
Chicken drumsticks marination:
- Take 1 kg of chicken drumsticks, make 2-3 slits over it and keep them aside
- Take a bowl, add in 2 tbsp of lemon juice 1 tsp of salt, ½ tsp of turmeric powder, 2 tsp of cumin powder, ½ tsp of garam masala powder, 3 tbsp of Kashmiri red chilly powder, 2 tbsp of curd, 1 tbsp of oil. Mix all together well
- apply this marination paste over chicken drumsticks, make sure to apply inside the slits we made on the drumsticks, keep them covered.
- Put it inside the freezer for at least 30 minutes (or up to 4 hours)
Oven roasting:
- Take aluminum foil laid tray, place the chicken drumsticks
- Bake it on 200°C / 35-40 minutes.
- After it was roasted in the oven, apply some butter over it, or the oily gravy spill from the chicken while roasting.Serve it with green chutney.
Stepwise Picture Recipe:

2 tbsp of ginger garlic paste, 2 tbsp of lemon juice, 2 tbsp of curd, 1 tbsp of oil.