Refreshing lemon ginger popsicle | lemon popsicle is a good treat for kids, contains lots of antioxidants, loaded with vitamin C. I have added honey for the sweetness. A combination of these three ingredients (lemon, ginger, honey) detox the body, boots the immune system. So the combined taste of lemon, ginger, honey would be a good choice in popsicle
Let us see how to make lemon ginger popsicle | lemon popsicle

lemon ginger popsicle | lemon popsicle
- 1¼ cup water
- 1 inch ginger finely chopped
- 2 tbsp honey
- 2 tbsp lemon juice (40 ml)
- few lemon pieces
- Heat 1¼ cup of water with finely chopped ginger in low-medium flame
- Make it to shrink into 1 cup, turn off the flame, let it comes to warm condition
- strain the ginger water mixture, preserve the water
- Add 2 tbsp of honey mix well
- then pour 2 tbsp of lemon juice, mix well,
- transfer this lemon ginger honey mixture into a container that can easy to pour, keep aside
- In popsicle mould first put lemon piece to each mould
- pour the lemon ginger honey mixture, lid on
- freeze it for 6 hours or more
Stepwise Picture Recipe:

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